Thursday, September 17, 2009

sadesatti as per vedicastrologysigns

Vedic astrology is a vast topic and followed all over the world . astrology as we know makes a person see ups and downs in our life. To know how Saturn as per vedic astrology is going to effect our life in the near future. Transiting Saturn is changing its sign from 9th of September 2009, which shows that so many of jatka(individual) will get relief from sade satti and so many of jataks(individuals) sade satti will get started . Sade satti starts when Saturn is in 12th from natal moon and continues when its over natal moon and when its in the next house to the moon as per your natal horoscope
As per transit Saturn stays in each house(rashi) for 2 ½ years so as three houses are affected leading to the term sade satti litereally meaning 7 ½ . This time sade satti is starting for those whose natal moon is in libra sign and ending for those whose moon is the cancer sign, Sade sattis results depends on the placement of Saturn and moon in your horoscope or which houses is getting involve in the period of sade satti. Its not that sade satti will give everybody a disasterous result. So don’t fall into this trap as people make you believe that’s its always going to be negative only as if you see in history lots of famous people have risen in life achived international fame or high positions during their time of sade satti only.
Some jatak(individual) gets benefit also from sade satti. When transiting Saturn transit over natal moon that’s a time when jatak(individual) gets problem related to mind. Some time it cause dipression also. Jatak experience sade satti three times in their life span . Every body gets scared of the name of sade satti because its there for seven and a half years and people as well as some intimidator make use of this weakness of the already sacred person just to make money and fleece them as it is a long period and our shastra also says that sade satti is not good for jatak(individual) it means that jatak seven and a half year can’t be all along be good. Jatak(individual) will always experience bad time inbetween it could be health related , finance related ,carrier related ,or family related before jumping into any conclusion you should consult to a good astrologer to know about your sade satti.
Now we will see which part of the sade satti will be bad for a individual ,so jatak can be aware of when to do what . Now when I am talking about lagna means moon placement in a natal horoscope. This shows you which part of your sade satti will be troublesome for you if you break it up in to 2 ½ yr period
Moon in Aries middle part ( middle 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Taurus first part (first 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Gemini ending part (last 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Cancer middle part and ending part (first & last 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Leo first part and middle part (first & 2nd 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Virgo first part (first 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Libra ending part (last 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Scorpio middle and ending part both (second & third 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Sagittarius starting and ending part both (first & last 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Capricorn all parts are good
Moon in Aquarius all parts are very good
Moon in Pisces ending part is good

So now we know that for whom what sade satti will do. so you can do remedies accordingly. And consulting a good astrologer is a good option.
REMEDIES : you can do prayers ,havan, donations, mantras to help ward off malefic effects of a sadesatti
You can do
Mantra Japa for Shani Sade Sati
Aum prām prīm praum śanaiścārāya namah

Ekadashakshari Hanuman Mantra
Aum ham rudrāya hanumate namah

Beeja Mantra of Saturn
Aum śam śanaiścārāya namah

With warm regards astrosapna(jyotish acharya sapnaji)

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